The term ‘acupuncture’ originates from the Latin words acus, meaning ‘needle’, and punctio, meaning ‘puncture’. It is a component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The basis for these medical teachings is the view that the life force qi circulates around the body through various meridians. Qi influences all bodily functions. If the flow is disturbed it is blamed for illnesses and disorders. Numerous medical studies have proven the effectiveness of this ancient Chinese practice. Acupuncture is highly effective in treating arthritis of the knee, severe back pain and migraines while specific acupuncture treatments can have a positive effect on people’s libido.
In the 16th and 17th centuries, monks rediscovered both moxibustion and needle therapy. In 1810, Dr. Louis Berlioz used needles to treat a patient suffering from a physical and mental condition. After six months of the treatment, the patient showed signs of improvement. However, it wasn’t until the 20th century that acupuncture made its breakthrough in the western world. The descriptive publications of the French diplomat George Soulié de Morant played an essential role in introducing the topic to the west. During the Vietnam War, the US military carried out research into acupuncture anaesthesia and in 1954 the French doctor Nogier developed auricular therapy (ear acupuncture).
The concept of acupuncture is based on the philosophy of yin and yang and is complemented by the Five Elements and meridian theories. The three following methods are commonly used: Puncturing the skin at certain meridian points with needles; heating them (moxibustion), and massaging them (acupressure). There are 400 acupuncture points located along the meridians of the human body. The twelve principal meridians are found on both sides of the body and are mirror images of each other. By piercing the skin with a needle, qi is allowed to flow. This is essential for healing illnesses and increasing libido. Therapeutically, acupuncture is part of the group of regulation and realignment therapies. In 2002, the World Health Organisation published a list of diseases and disorders that can be treated with acupuncture. These include respiratory illnesses, sleep disorders, eye diseases, shoulder-arm syndrome and neurological disturbances.
When it comes to acupuncture in massage parlours, establishments usually offer the acupressure method in the form of a massage for the purpose of releasing stress and tension or simply as part of an extensive well-being programme. Combined with erotic massages, this treatment can increase sexual desire. By treating strategic acupuncture points, sexual potency and desire can be increased or the ability to orgasm can be improved. A range of these points are located between the Achilles tendon and the inner ankle bone, in the lower abdomen, in the lower back and at the second lumbar vertebrae. An acupuncture session or an acupuncture-point massage has a positive effect on the nerves of the sexual organs, can increase activity and stimulate libido.