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Joseph Kramer

Joseph Kramer is one of the first teachers of erotic massages. He is now a sexologist and professor at the institute of somatic sexology in California. In Oakland, California, he founded a school called Body Electric School. Since 1984 many thousands of sex and physiotherapists have been trained there. In 1992, he founded the Erospirit Research Institute, which explores the link between the mind and sexuality. Since 2002, there is its online school, which deals with physical sexuality. It's called The New School of Erotic Touch. In 2003 he started offering professional trainings in this field. After Kramer himself was a Jesuit for ten years, he decided to devote his life to other things. And so the idea arose to deal with the erotic satisfaction. For 23 years now, he has worked as a professor in his own institute and teaches courses in the field of sex Orgasmic Yoga. Meanwhile, he has employees who also write fonts and give courses. He gives seminars worldwide, for example, one can be introduced to the type of massages and yoga in Munich. Interested parties can opt for three different training courses. The Sexcessful Workshop Seminar takes place online and is about how you can organize and apply for a successful sex education course yourself. Another course is pelvic floor trauma and pain and is intended for physiotherapists and sex therapists. The third offer deals with the subject of Orgasmic Yoga Course or Yoga of Sex. Here the students learn which techniques lead to more pleasure in sex and how the erotic pleasure can be increased. Textbooks offered serve to deepen the learned material. Prerequisite for the course participation is a personal performance by Joseph Kramer by email. This should include why you want to enroll in your institute. In addition to personal key data on the person, Joseph Kramer is primarily interested in personal or professional motivations.

Kramer stellt ‚How-To‘-Filme von all seinen Massagetechniken her. Er betont dabei immer, dass mit diesen Filmen keine erotische Wirkung erzielt werden soll, sondern dass sie lediglich als Lehrvideos gedacht sind. Kritiker monieren die schlechte Qualität, die sich zwischen plump und geschmacklos bewege. Joseph Kramer kontert solche Aussagen in der Regel mit dem Hinweis darauf, dass er kein Künstler, sondern Lehrer sei. Bezüglich eines erfolgreichen Sexlebens ist Kramer der Ansicht, dass es eher auf die geistige Einstellung ankommt als auf die Praktik. Ob Ejakulation oder Orgasmus eintreten ist dabei eher nebensächlich. Sex sollte eher in einer Art sinnesveränderten Zustand enden. Er ist der Ansicht, dass gemäss Taoismus, Geschlechtsorgane Generatoren der Energie sind. Nachdem er das in Seminaren beobachtet hat, fing er an, Atemarbeit in seine erotischen Massagen einzubinden. “Ich habe angefangen, das auf Menschen anzuwenden und es gab grosse Durchbrüche.”